Campobello-Gramling School
Spartanburg District One

Monday, October 26, 2015

Spartanburg Herald-Journal

Our press release was published in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal on Friday, October 23, 2015!

Here's the entire press release:


Effort Provides Chance to Win Part of $500,000 in Grants and Scholarships

Campobello – SC – October 2015—The Trash Talkers, a team of seven students from Campobello-Gramling School in Spartanburg District One, will compete in the eighth annual Lexus Eco Challenge, a national contest that encourages students to positively impact their community. The team consists of five eighth graders, Jesus Bravo, Bricen Ghent, Emily Jolley, Gracie Moore, and Cassidy Spring and two seventh graders, Clark Bagwell and Colby Garner.

The Lexus Eco Challenge, created by luxury automaker Lexus and global children’s publishing company, Scholastic, educates young people about the environment and inspires them to create a better world. The students at Campobello-Gramling have accepted the challenge by taking a stand and proving that a small group can bring about big changes. After carefully studying the local environment, the students have developed an Action Plan they feel will benefit their local community.

The Trash Talkers recently implemented portions of their Action Plan, which is to create a composting system for their K-8 school. Students have collected valuable data from teachers, students, parents, and Spartanburg School District One board members about their knowledge of composting. Students have prepared a compost area on campus made of free, reused wooden pallets. They have also received valuable information about soil and the process of composting from Stacey Mason, District Coordinator for Spartanburg Soil and Water, and Jes Sdao, Recycling Coordinator for Spartanburg County.

The Trash Talkers, along with members of Campobello-Gramling’s Student Council, planted a garden  that was funded by a mini-grant from Spartanburg Soil and Water. The soil produced from the compost will help maintain the new garden and existing plants on campus. The team also requested supplies for a student-led project through The supplies included soil test kits, pH meters, and thermometers that will be used to test soil produced from the compost.

The Trash Talkers presented their project to Spartanburg District One Schools board members on October 9th. The presentation included their future aspirations of a school-wide composting system, why composting is important to the environment, and their use of technology to complete this project. Students have also created a blog so that students, parents, and members of the community can keep up with their progress.

Lexus and Scholastic will choose 16 winning teams nationwide. Each team will receive a total of $10,000 in grants and scholarships. All winning teams from this challenge and one other initial challenge will be invited to participate in the Final Challenge for a chance to win one of two grand prizes of $30,000 in grants and scholarships. Eight first-place prizes of $15,000 in grants and scholarships also will be awarded.

For more information about this local environmental movement, contact:

Name: Jessica Morris, Seventh Grade Science Teacher
School: Campobello-Gramling School
Address: 250 Fagan Avenue Campobello, SC 29322
Phone: 864-472-9110
The Trash Talkers Blogspot:

"Falling" in LOVE with COMPOSTING!

Our compost bin looks BOO-tiful thanks to the changing leaves.

When the leaves fall they make great additions to our compost pile!
Remember: The ratio is 30 browns (yard scraps, paper, etc.) 
to 1 green (fruit scraps, veg. scraps, bread, etc.)!

Also, don't send that jack-o-lantern to the dump after Halloween...compost it!

Monday, October 19, 2015

It's Official: We are Composting!

Way to go 7th & 8th graders!

Positive Feedback

We love receiving positive feedback and being an inspiration for others. 
Here's a few comments from CGS teachers:

"Keep up the good work! Let's SAVE the Earth! :)"
-Olena Atkins

"I love this!! We are wanting to get a compost container for home. What a great idea. Let me know how I can help."
-Becky Hockenberry

"This is so cool!!!  I would love to have a garden-to-table program at CGS!!!  Not sure how to get it going, but I'd love to try.😊♻️"
-Alexis Graham

"Keep up the great work - we can recycle and compost our way to a better Earth!"
-Lorna Burrell

Also, our blog has been viewed over 350 450 times!

Friday, October 16, 2015


7th and 8th graders will begin composting on Monday!

Time to start separating those breakfast and lunch trays!

Items for Compost:
-- Vegetable Scraps (no salad dressing)
-- Fruit Scraps (ex. banana peels, apple cores, oranges)
--"Clean" Bread (be careful with grease and condiments)

We will also add browns to our compost, such as, mulch, yard scraps, and shredded paper!

Items NOT for Compost:
--Styrofoam trays
-- Milk containers
-- Meat

Finalizing our PowerPoint!

We have proof-read and finalized our PowerPoint for submission to 
Scholastic for the Lexus-Eco Challenge

Wish us luck! 

Thanks Mrs. Mitchell for "judging" our PPT!

Our Rose Garden!

Thank you MRS. BOIS (teacher), MRS. MOORE (teacher), MS. STACEY MASON with the Spartanburg Soil and Water Conservation District, and MRS. MORRIS (teacher advisor) for assisting a few of the Trash Talkers and CGS Student Council in planting our new rose bushes.
We can't wait to add our compost soil!

Student Council and Trash Talker Gardners: Derrik Escobar, Grayson Smith, Grayson Bateman, Sierra Meyers, Paris Bois, Seth Atkins, Jesus Bravo, Clark Bagwell, and Colby Garner

Left to Right:
Mrs. Bois, Derrick Escobar, Seth Atkins, Grayson Bateman, Sierra Meyers, Stacey Mason, Paris Bois, Grayson Smith, Clark Bagwell, Colby Garner, Jesus Bravo, Jessica Morris


Composting! Composting! Read All About It!

Click on the link below for a teaser on coming attractions on composting at CGS!

A Shout Out from our Teacher Advisor!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Educating Students: Science World Magazines & Talkin' Trash to 7th & 8th Grade Students

All seventh and eighth grade students read with their science partners about landfills and single-stream recycling, which is our current recycling program at CGS. 

The students gained valuable knowledge from these articles. 
Here's a few of the main points mentioned in class discussions:
  • how trash piles up and why it is problematic
  • the layers of landfills
  • how single-stream recycling is sorted and why it is a more popular method than sorting

A few of The Trash Talkers also presented information to the seventh and eighth graders about the process of composting.

October 13th, we continued in our implementing step and both 7th and 8th Trash Talkers talked to their grade levels about the importance of composting. Colby Garner and Clark Bagwell talked to their 7th grade classes. Emily Jolley and I (Bricen Ghent) discussed the concept with 8th grade.

 Clark presenting information about composting to seventh grade students:

 Emily and Bricen presenting information about composting to eighth grade students during lunch:

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Parent Surveys

On October 10th, we decided to go one step further and not only survey 7th and 8th grade students about their knowledge of composting, but also their parents! This will help us raise awareness of our project. So far, 61 parents of 7th and 8th graders have responded to our composting survey. Out of the total number of parents, 2 did not have any knowledge about composting, 44 knew what it was, but didn't have a general understanding of composting, and 9 had a exceptional grasp on the concept. Below is a pie chart showing the percentage of our data.

How much do you know about composting on a scale from 1-3
1-What is composting?
2-I know about composting, but I can't explain it.
3-I have an exceptional amount of knowledge on composting.

We were Tweeted!

After our presentation on Friday, The District One Coordinator of Personnel and Public Information, Cathy McMillan, tweeted about our project!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Board Member Pie Chart

After gathering the data from the District One Schools Board Meeting, we are excited to announce that 45.6% of the board members have an exceptional amount of knowledge on composting. 49.1% have an "okay" knowledge, which means only 3.5% of the board members do not have any prior knowledge of composting. 

                                        Board Member Pie Chart